Eroe delle Guerre Mandaloriane, oscuro conquistatore nella Guerra Civile dei Jedi, salvatore della Repubblica in seguito alla propria redenzione ma anche ispirazione per Darth Bane nei millenni successivi, Darth Revan è sicuramente uno dei personaggi più importanti e affascinanti della Vecchia Repubblica.
I due giochi incentrati sulle sue vicende, Knights of the Old Republic e Knights of the Old Republic 2, terminavano narrando la sua partenza per le Regioni Ignote della galassia, con l'intenzione di sventare la minaccia occulta rappresentata dall'Impero dei Veri Sith.
Al PAX 2010 è stato annunciato che Revan apparirà anche in The Old Republic e che verrà svelato il destino della sua impresa, rimasto finora ignoto.
Qui sotto potete vedere il trailer dedicato:
Riportiamo anche varie citazioni che illustrano nel modo migliore questo carismatico personaggio:
"Revan was power. It was like staring into the heart of the Force. Even then, you could see the Jedi he would slay etched on his soul." ―Kreia
"Some said that Revan was born in the Outer Regions, beyond the Rim, and that's what called to him during the Mandalorian Wars… and after. It was the call of home." ―Kreia"
"You, Revan, are the single greatest warrior of this age, and any battle we fight will bring me honor." ―Canderous Ordo
"His strategies and tactics defeated the best of us. Even Mandalore himself was taken aback by the ferocity of his attacks, the tenacity of his defenses and the subtlety of his plans." ―Canderous Ordo
"And Revan won. I don't hold a grudge against Revan, and neither do any of my people. It was the greatest moment of my life to be in that battle." ―Canderous Ordo
"If Revan had been a Mandalorian, nothing in the galaxy would have stopped us." ―Canderous Ordo
"You will have gone from being the Sith Lord himself, to the savior of our galaxy." ―Bastila Shan
"I love you too, with all my heart."
"You aren't afraid to love anymore?"
"After this? No. Nothing could make me feel safer than to be loved by you." ―Bastila Shan and Revan
"You cannot hide from what you once were, Revan! Recognize that you were once the Dark Lord - and know that I have taken your place!" ―Darth Malak
"I wanted to be Master of the Sith and ruler of the galaxy. But that destiny was not mine, Revan. It might have been yours, perhaps… but never mine. And in the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing." ―Darth Malak
Darth Malak e Darth Revan |
"Honor is a fool's prize. Glory is of no use to the dead." ―Darth Revan's holocron
"Those who use the dark side are also bound to serve it. To understand this is to understand the underlying philosophy of the Sith." ―Darth Revan's holocron
"The dark side offers power for power's sake. You must crave it. Covet it. You must seek power above all else, with no reservation or hesitation."
―Darth Revan's holocron
―Darth Revan's holocron
"The Force will change you. It will transform you. Some fear this change. The teachings of the Jedi are focused on fighting and controlling this transformation. That is why those who serve the light are limited in what they accomplish. True power can come only to those who embrace the transformation. There can be no compromise. Mercy, compassion, loyalty: all these things will prevent you from claiming what is rightfully yours. Those who follow the dark side must cast aside these conceits. Those who do not—those who try to walk the path of moderation—will fail, dragged down by their own weakness." ―Darth Revan's holocron
"Those who accept the power of the dark side must also accept the challenge of holding on to it. By its very nature the dark side invites rivalry and strife. This is the greatest strength of the Sith: it culls the weak from our order. Yet this rivalry can also be our greatest weakness. The strong must be careful lest they be overwhelmed by the ambitions of those working beneath them in concert. Any master who instructs more than one apprentice in the ways of the dark side is a fool. In time, the apprentices will unite their strengths and overthrow the master. It is inevitable; axiomatic. That is why each master must have only one student. This is also the reason there can only be one Dark Lord. The Sith must be ruled by a single leader: the very embodiment of the strength and power of the dark side. If the leader grows weak another must rise to seize the mantle. The strong rule; the weak are meant to serve. This is the way it must be." ―Darth Revan's holocron